Om os
ProMosaik Children was founded in February 2019 in Istanbul by the translator, author, and human rights activist Milena Rampoldi to promote the free online offer of children’s book translations in various languages.
ProMosaik Children blev grundlagt Februar 2019 I Istandbul af en oversætteren, forfatteren og aktivist af menneskerettigheder Milena Rampoldi for at reklamere for gratis online oversættelse af børnebøger til forskellige sprog.
ProMosaik Children Is committed to equal opportunities for all children and is therefore convinced that every child has the right to read a book and that right should not be limited by the financial considerations or the social ills affecting the family or society of origin;
ProMosaik Children har engageret sig til at give alle børn same muligheder for at kunne læse en bog og dette skal ikke blive begrænset på grund af, financielle beslutninger eller grundet social baggrundm sanfund osv.
ProMosaik Children believes that children’s books have an important role in creating a world that offers more tolerance and empathy for “foreign” cultures and religions;
ProMosaik Children mener at børnebøger har en vigig rolle I at skabe en verden, som tilbuder mere tolerance og sympati for ”udenlandske” kulturer og religioner.
While ProMosaik Children may be a dream or a utopia that we have as our goal: it is nonetheless a goal we would very much like to share with you;
Dette er ProMosaiks Childrens drømme og vores mål som vi meget gerne vil dele med jer.
ProMosaik Children’s core group includes authors, translators, human rights activists and their partners.
ProMosaik Children’s core gruppe inkludere forfattere, oversættere, menneskerettigheder aktivister og deres partnere.